Best Mother’s Day celebration for 2023

Dear Reader,

Life’s existence is experienced  as we are born and as everything is created and cared. However, have we been thankful and grateful enough to our Mother who gave birth and cared us unconditionally?  We all have this opportunity on Mother’s Day on May 14 to be grateful and thankful to a special celebrity of our life. Celebrate this special day in what ever possible way you can. Do find out the best thing to do for your Mother through a web story presenting to you in the link-



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Hello All ! My name is Kukhol Mohela. I am serving government as an education. My age 40, Male. I have a master degree in English Literature. I always try to live a balanced life. I have a very supporting wife & happy. Living in a small space, like cycling, regular yoga. Make my best effort to guide my students to live a balanced , happy & successful life. Do 'BLESS' me . with regards

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