World Mental Health Day: Sadguru's perspectives on mental health

Intrinsic Connection

Sadguru explores the intrinsic connection between mental and physical well-being, asserting that a balanced mind is essential for a joyful life.

Inner Joy

Sadguru delves into the concept that true joy arises from within, emphasizing the importance of nurturing one's inner well-being.

Stress Alleviation

Sadguru provides insights into reducing stress through yogic practices, such as the Shambhavi Mahamudra.

Mental Clarity

Sadguru discusses how inner engineering can lead to mental clarity and inner peace, essential for robust mental health.

Yoga and Meditation

Sadguru encourages the practice of yoga and meditation as tools for cultivating a calm and balanced mind.

Embracing Emotions

Sadguru advises readers to embrace their emotions, fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.

Purposeful Living

Sadguru's book outlines how aligning with one's purpose in life can significantly impact mental well-being

Relationships and Communication

Sadguru emphasizes the role of effective communication and harmonious relationships in maintaining mental health.

 Holistic Wellness

Sadguru promotes a holistic approach to well-being, considering the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life.


 "Inner Engineering" guides individuals on a transformative journey towards greater joy, self-awareness, and mental balance.