US Migrant Crisis 2023

A record number of migrants crossed into the US in 2023, putting a strain on resources and sparking a political debate.

Why are migrants coming to the US?

Migrants come for economic opportunities, to escape violence and political persecution, and to reunite with family.

Where are migrants coming from?

The majority are from Mexico and Central America, but there is also a growing number from Venezuela, Haiti, and Africa

What is the Biden administration doing?

The administration has increased border agents, expanded processing capacity, and worked with other countries to reduce migration.

Challenges include the large number of migrants, limited resources, and political polarization.

What are the challenges?

How can you help?

Donate to organizations helping migrants, or volunteer your time in your community.

Border communities are struggling to provide resources and are concerned about the impact on public safety and health.

Impact on border communities

The future of the crisis

The crisis is likely to continue as climate change and other factors displace more people.

What can you do to make a difference?

Educate yourself about the issue, talk to your friends and family about it, and contact your elected officials to urge them to take action.