"Simple Method for Achieving Impeccable Scrambled Eggs Every Time"

Eggs stand as a popular breakfast staple, adaptable to various cooking methods. Among these, scrambled eggs present a quick and delightful option.

This uncomplicated dish relies on merely three ingredients, eliminating the need for an extensive supermarket hunt.

The preparation, from start to finish, takes a mere 20 minutes—ideal for busy egg enthusiasts craving a satisfying meal.

Begin by gently whisking together eggs, a choice between single cream or full cream milk, and a pinch of salt. The aim is to achieve a uniform consistency in the mixture


Warm a small non-stick frying pan for approximately a minute, introducing a knob of butter to melt. It's important to avoid letting the butter brown, as this could mar the eggs' appearance.

Afterward, carefully pour the egg mixture into the pan, allowing it to rest undisturbed for 20 seconds—refrain from stirring during this time.

As the 20 seconds elapse, employ a wooden spoon to stir, lifting and folding the mixture from the pan's base.

Allow an additional 10 seconds of resting before repeating the stirring and folding process.

Continue this cycle until the eggs achieve a tenderly set texture, with a hint of runniness in certain areas

At this point, remove the pan from the heat source, granting the eggs a brief moment to conclude their cooking process.

Through these steps, a delectable plate of scrambled eggs is ready to be savored.