Best Mother’s Day celebration for 2023

Dear Reader, Life’s existence is experienced  as we are born and as everything is created and cared. However, have we been thankful and grateful enough to our Mother who gave birth and cared us unconditionally?  We all have this opportunity on Mother’s Day on May 14 to be grateful and thankful to a special celebrity … Read more

Suicide prevention strategies in America

Dear Reader, Rising cases of suicide indicate a deteriorating mental condition or health. Isn’t it a peak time to act? Have we done enough or tried every possible way to find a solution? One can feel the gap even today, as our existing social infrastructure could not be so successful in tackling such an important … Read more

Living a life of balance and harmony

Dear Reader, The world has moved to this stage of existence after generations and generations of experience. It seems humans are more mature and in a better position to fulfil the general tendency towards peaceful and happy living. However, have we discovered how to live a life of balance and harmony? Find out a few … Read more

The connection between human health and environment

Dear Reader, The world may be more mature in 2023 compared to the preceding years of Earth Day observation. By now, many thoughts on this issue are shared by many organisations and individuals to increase awareness, and thanks to technology, it is possible to connect with a larger audience quicker. More practical actions can revive … Read more

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