Web Hosting: Everything you need to Learn.

What is Web Hosting?

A web hosting is a type of Internet service that allows clients to make their website accessible on the Internet. Web hosting also includes facilities for storing web files, images, videos and all sorts of data on the service provider.


The World Wide Web began gaining popularity in 1990’s. People then began using websites to reach global audience particularly for business purposes. The first web hosting service offered people ability to store their website files on server connected to internet. Web hosting service was very complex and expensive. Later, with the advancement of technology and  rising demand of  online presence, web hosting was made available with lower price and of course it is now more user friendly. Today, with the explosion and expansion of business, hundreds of hosting providers are offering services at very affordable prices, ant thus making web hosting accessible to any person willing to make online presence.


Web hosting is important to make our website accessible worldwide or else a website will not be accessible to larger audience. Web hosting allows us to reach global audience and hence can enhance our businesses online by establishing connection with our customers.

A few kinds of web hosting options are Shared hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated hosting and Cloud hosting.

What is Shared Hosting?

In Shared hosting multiple websites share resources on a single server including disk space, CPU and RAM. This is a popular and affordable hosting option for beginners and small websites that as they are easy to set up and and manage and do not have high traffic.

What is VPS( Virtual Private Server) hosting?

This kind of hosting offers more more resources and control over hosting environment in comparison to Shared hosting. With VPS hosting one  shares a server with other users, however each user gets their own resources that also includes storage space, CPU and RAM.

What is Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated hosting provides one with complete control over hosting environment. In Dedicated hosting one is responsible for managing and maintaining one’s own physical server. This kind of hosting is ideal for large websites with high traffic that requires extensive resources and control over hosting environment.

What is Cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting uses multiple servers to host your website. Cloud hosting can be ideal for websites with unpredictable traffic as it allows you to scale resources up and down.

Which type of hosting is ideal for you?

Considering what type of hosting  is suitable for you will depend on three basic factors of website size, traffic and resource requirement.

One can consider the following factors before choosing  a web host:

  • Cost of web hosting.
         There are different web hosting plans. The cost of web hosting depends on type of hosting, resources and features included in the               hosting plan. However, one should check if price is compromising service quality.
  • Reliability. 

One can opt for web host having reputation for performance and reliability as it is important to ensure maximum uptime.

  • Security Features in web hosting.

Web host should offer all the security essentials to protect your website data from hackers and cyber threat. One must look for web            host offering security features including SSL certificates, firewalls, malware scanners to ensure website’s security.

  • 24 X 7 customer service.

This is another essential support service one should consider before paying for a web host.

Important follow up steps after purchasing a web host.

  • Choosing a domain name and registering it.
  • Setting up a Website with a Web Host.
  • Managing a Website with a Web Host.

Choose your right hosting plan and provider to ensure that your website is reliable, fast and  secure. Consider the factors mentioned above before taking your final decision and follow up the steps and begin your website journey.






The importance of Earth Day 2023

Why is the celebration of Earth Day 2023 relevant?

Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day: We all agree that one of the most important issues needing solutions is environmental. We have definitely lost our natural connection with nature. And it is a known truth that when such connections are lost, there is an imbalance. We need to understand in an emergency that all the phenomena in the universe, or what may be multiverse, are happening according to a set of rules to keep everything in balance. As humans, we need to abide by the rules for existing and sustaining life. However, we have tried to enforce human laws on nature and the environment, and the end result is always self-inflicting. It is because of this that a day like ‘Earth Day” becomes relevant to observe as more and more awareness needs to spread.

Earth Day 2023

Restoring Our Earth: How Can That Be Done?

The theme of Earth Day 2023 is “Restore Our Earth.” Aren’t we lucky that we are inhabiting something that can be restored even though it has been harmed to a great extent? Imagine otherwise. As the life cycle of everything is a continuous process, it is we who must sustain the process and cycle. Or else nothing is preserved for future generations. Wise individuals and many organisations have been working out solutions, and now more and more people should be involved. They are addressing all kinds of problems arising from human follies. More efforts need to be taken to engage government of every country, include individuals, communities and work as global community.

The few practical steps to show your respect to our Mother Earth on Earth Day 2023 are:

  1. Plant a tree and take care of it.
  2. Take a bicycle ride, try avoiding personal vehicles, and instead use public transport or a simple walk.
  3. Volunteer to support any individual, community, or nation taking initiatives for environmental protection.
  4. Grow organic food, at least in your kitchen or backyard garden.
  5. We can also try building and living in eco-friendly or minimal houses.

 Word of Caution as Conclusion

There may be and definitely will be a point in time when restoration may fail if steps of urgency are not executed now. Let us work together as a global community to sustain all life forms and ensure a safe future for future generations. Let’s celebrate with a sense of commitment.



Find a link here for a web story related to this blog   What to do on World Earth Day

Mental health and gun violence

Dear Reader,

Guns and violence are both human-created. Societies around the world have saturated to a certain state of different conditions over generations of time. We are still struggling for a better and better society every day, trying to sort out problems of countless kinds, including those that crop up within our social settings. Whatever the social setting of any space in the world, wouldn’t it be the wisest decision to accept and live on the best and latest practises from around the world for a better world? I am quoting Donald Trump, which makes a lot of sense and is related to recent gun violence in America: ” This is not a gun problem; this is a mental health problem; this is a cultural problem; this is a spiritual problem.” Do find herein a link showing the gun laws of the United States of America.



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